My Geoworks

Privacy Policy

Who are we?

This website (www.geoworks.eco) is owned by Geoworks, our details are:

Europa Way,
Brittania Enterprise Park,
WS14 9TZ

Tel: 01543 440 480
Company number: 02609935

If you have any questions about how we process your personal data, please email melanie.kinsey@wrekinproducts.com or call 01543 440 480.

We take your privacy very seriously. It is our commitment to:

  • Only process your personal data in a way in which you would expect
  • Keep your data safe and secure
  • Give you the ability to subscribe and unsubscribe from newsletters
  • Not sell your data

What personal data do we have and why do we have it?

Contact details - your name, business email address, business phone number, position in the company. That's it.

What we need it for Legal Reasons Legitimate Interests
In relation to the enquiry you may submit through this website or over the phone if you choose to call us Consent N/A
To progress a sale or purchase of goods and services with you Contract with you N/A
To start and maintain a professional relationship with you Legitimate interests Inform you of products which are applicable to your business.
    Keeping our records up to date.
Provide you with information about products which will be of interest to you Legitimate interest Keep you updated about new or changing products.

Where do we get your personal details from?

Usually, they’ve come directly from you over the telephone, on an email or an exhibition. Occasionally we will have been given them by a colleague of yours, got them from a publication or you have been copied in an email exchange. Should this be the case we’ll tell you who we are and why we’re contacting you right from the start.

If you don't want us to get in touch, let us know, we'll stop.

What else do you need to know?

We'll maintain a record of your details and will change them as soon as we know they have changed, overriding any out of date information.

How to get a copy of your personal data?

You can access your personal information by either writing to us at, Geoworks, Europa Way, Britannia Enterprise Park, Lichfield, WS14 9TZ or email us at melanie.kinsey@wrekinproducts.com.

Let us know if you think your data is wrong

We want to ensure that all the data we hold on you is accurate and up to date, if you think that any of it isn't please let us know, we'll make every reasonable effort to correct it.

What if you want to stop us using your personal data?

You are well within your rights to object to us processing your data, asking us to delete it, stop using it, if there is no reason for us to continue to use it. If there's a reason why we need to continue to use it we'll let you know, if there isn't we'll do as you've asked.

There might also be occasions where we could restrict the processing of your personal data, and only use it in the defence of a legal claim. We wouldn't be able to use it for anything else in the meantime.

You can restrict the use of it if:

It's not accurate, the processing is unlawful, but you don't want it deleting, it's not relevant other than in the defence of a legal claim or you've already asked us to stop using it and are waiting for us to respond to you.

How to withdraw consent

The only time where you will have given up your consent is if you have contacted us with an enquiry. If you change your mind, let us know.

If you want to make a complaint about how we use your personal data

In the first instance please get in touch, we want to know why you are unhappy, so we can put it right. You can write to us at:
Geoworks, Europa Way, Britannia Enterprise Park, Lichfield, WS14 9TZ or email us at melanie.kinsey@wrekinproducts.com.

If you're still not happy, you can contact the Information Commissioners Office at https://ico.org.uk/make-a-complaint/


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